Retail Nursery

Retail NurseyTheodore Payne Foundation provides the public with everything needed to successfully create beautiful, sustainable native plant gardens. This includes a retail nursery with a vast selection of native plants and knowledgeable sales staff to assist in making the best selections for home and public gardens.

Our retail nursery is open to the public year round and offers the largest and best selection of California native plants in the region – throughout the year, more than 900 species and cultivars. We sell plants in sizes from 4-inch to 15-gallon containers and 24” boxes. We also sell ceramic pots and our custom TPF potting soil.

Expert staff and trained volunteers are available for assistance, and gardeners of all ages and experience levels are welcome. Our goal is to make native plants accessible to everyone, especially newcomers. When visiting for the first time, we recommend that you give yourself a couple of hours to explore, ask questions, and enjoy the abundance of plants and natural history here at the Foundation. Think of our nursery as an outdoor classroom, a place where you can come and learn at your own pace.

Our educational programs and resources help beginners and experts learn and grow along with their gardens. Placards in the nursery detail plant characteristics and requirements. Plant guides offer recommendations for many situations and help those just starting out. Gardeners are encourages to share their native gardening experiences through our two-day annual Native Plant Garden Tour and the Garden Share Network.

Shopping at TPFWe hold plant sales throughout the year, including our Fall Plant Sale in October, Winter Sale in January, and Poppy Day Sale in March or early April. All plants are discounted during these sales. We also sell plants at outreach events around Los Angeles County.

The nursery and store are open to the public year round. Hours are from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, but open days change seasonally:

  • Winter (from November 1 to June 30), open Tuesday to Saturday
  • Summer (from July 1 to October 31), open Thursday to Saturday
  • Always closed on Sunday and Monday, out of respect for our neighbors

Please check our homepage or call (818) 768-1802 for updates.

To see what’s currently for sale in the retail nursery, go to our online inventory.